Dan Perez is a certified medical hypnotist, a certified hypnosis instructor and an author with 30 years of practical hypnosis experience.

He has run a successful fulltime hypnosis practice based in Houston, Texas for 11 years. Dan specializes in anxiety and depression relief, and his expertise can help you control the stress and anxiety associated with irritable bowel syndrome. His book, The Way Out, is full of highly effective techniques to help you free yourself from anxiety and worrisome thoughts.

In addition to being invited to speak at major hypnosis conferences, he regularly confers with top hypnotists around the world to ensure your hypnosis experience is the best it can be.


What would you do if you could be free from the symptoms of IBS? Where would you go? What friends and family would you see? What would improve in your professional and personal life? 

 IBS Relief Now is a program designed to free you from most or all of the symptoms of IBS so you can reclaim your lifestyle and do the things you want.

This is accomplished by using safe, effective hypnosis to eliminate miscommunication between the brain and the gut and promote normal bowel function.

This will eliminate or significantly reduce urgency and accidents, so you can venture out into the world with increased confidence and freedom.


It could be a humorous internet meme: “My anxiety is causing me more anxiety!” But the vicious cycle linking anxiety and IBS flare ups is no laughing matter.

You worry that you might have a flare up, and that worry aggravates your IBS, causing a flare up.

The link between stress, worry, anxiety and flare ups is well established. With IBS Relief Now, you will learn skills and techniques to break this cycle.

Mindfulness, the Emotional Freedom Technique and the Matrix are just a few of the tools you can use to control stress and anxiety.

Reducing stress, worry and anxiety have other health benefits, as well. Your immune system will grow stronger, and you’ll sleep better. You’ll be in a better mood and get along better with family and friends.


You’ve likely been told that IBS is incurable and that you must manage it because you will have it the rest of your life. But what if this isn’t true?

Part of this program is helping you jettison limiting beliefs and ways of thinking about IBS.

Many clients who have been through the IBS Relief Now protocol have experienced no IBS symptoms at all at the end of the program. Others have seen significant reduction of symptoms.

Scientific studies suggest that relief after hypnotic intervention can last for months or even years.

The sessions near the end of the program are spaced out at intervals of two or more weeks to give the client time to notice that it’s working and gauge the level of relief.

Disclaimer: results vary and cannot be guaranteed, as a lot depends on client motivation and interaction with the process.


“We concluded that hypnosis consistently produces significant results and improves the cardinal symptoms of IBS in the majority of patients, as well as positively affecting non-colonic symptoms.

When evaluated according to the efficacy guidelines of the Clinical Psychology Division of American Psychological Association, the use of hypnosis with IBS qualifies for the highest level of acceptance as being both efficacious and specific.”

Tan, G., Hammond, D. C., & Gurrala, J. (2005). Hypnosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Review of Efficacy and Mechanism of Action. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 47(3), 161–178. doi:10.1080/00029157.2005.1040